Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Virtual Private Network which we all know as VPN is a virtual connection between two computers or two networks regardless of their geographical locations so as to allow secure communication in across an otherwise insecure channel.

Advantages of Virtual Private Networks.

  1. Hides your private information : Websites and apps can constantly track your online activity, analyzing the data they collect. A VPN can prevent web browsers and others from accessing your connection, helping to keep information you send and receive anonymous and secure. Some VPNs also offer military-grade 256-bit encryption of your data.

  2. Escape data-throttling : Data throttling occurs when you’ve used a certain amount of your data and, as a result, your internet service provider slows down your service. With a VPN, not only will your data be free from the prying eyes of ISPs and others, but you also won’t be subject to a data cap. ISPs can place caps on data to maximize internet speed for some of their customers.

  3. Privacy : by masking things like your IP address, location, and search history, to keep them from being tracked by websites, internet browsers, cable companies, internet service providers (ISPs), and others.

  4. Security : by helping protect your personal information and other data as it’s in transit, or being sent from and received by your device.

Disadvantages of Virtual Private Networks

  1. Slower connection : The encryption process and routing your traffic through remote servers can slow down your internet connection. However, premium VPN services usually have fast protocols and powerful infrastructure that make the speed drop barely noticeable.

  2. Some VPNs are insecure : Free VPNs are often unsafe and do more harm than good. The fact that they are free likely means that they use other ways to monetize their operations. This can mean collecting your data and selling it to third parties or flooding you with ads.

  3. Subscription costs : What is peace of mind worth? A good VPN will cost you only a few bucks per month, which isn't much compared to the safety it provides (in many places, it comes out to less than a cup of coffee per month). Besides, many of a VPN's advantages may end up saving you money.

  4. VPN does not protect you from voluntary data collection : VPNs will not protect you from voluntarily giving your data to Google, Facebook, or other similarly voracious data collectors. In many of these cases, we give our data away ourselves just by using these services – or at least let them get a foot through the door. Similarly, a VPN will not protect you from unsafe online behavior. You have to use common sense when it comes to safety as well.